Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Morning Update

It's a good thing Mark was able to get rested up yesterday because he has a lot going on today. One of his doctor's was in early and they have decreased his oxygen to see what his lungs are capable of doing. In typical Mark fashion he has impressed them. He is taking good deep breaths and keeping all of his oxygen levels high. The nurse used the term "athletic lungs". His physical therapist has been in and they have begun exercising Mark to keep his muscles working. We were also visited this morning by Dr. Jeanne Cleavland (a personal friend of Larry Eby's) and she is very encouraged by the progress he is making.

As for me...Sarah forced me into a 7 hour sleep marathon. It's just what I needed to recharge my battery to be strong for Mark.

We will continue to post as the day progresses.

Stephanie & Sarah

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