Monday, October 15, 2007

Sorry it has been a long day and I do not think I will be ableto afford my cell phone billl its about 1 dollar a minute and I have been on the phone a lot. It takesme about 15 minutes to send 1 email from his phone. He is doing good still sleeping because when he starts waking heis to aggitated and they have to sedate him. He is off the most of the meds and his swelling is better. Love, Stephanie


Nickie said...

Good Morning,
Included is the latest update for family/friends & loved ones.
October 15th; approximately 11:30pm
Mark began waking up own his own. Sweating profusely from his forehead & tops of his hands. Marks legs & arms began to move. His chest & shoulders moving in motion as he was attempting to sit up. Blood pressure began to rise then fall & heart rate was dropping. Mark tried to open his eyes. Staff assisted in calming him down by speaking to him in a low calm voice w/out placing him back on sedative. They escorted Stephanie & I to the waiting room. The entire incident lasted approximately 5-10 minutes. Mark's vital returned to "normal". Staff did a CTScan and EKG. Everything looked fine; his electrolytes were a bit low. They could not tell us exactly why his heart rate began dropping however contributed to the bruising around his heart.
Tuesday, October 16th...AM
Mark continued to rest well throughout the night. This morning they placed him back on a "Light" sedative. The sedative they are using allows Mark to wake up easier on his own. For example; Nurse Sherrie turned off the sedative @ 8am this morning by 8:20am he was attempting to wake. Mark is requiring more oxygen than before. Staff is running tests to rule out possible pnemonia. Unfortunately pnemonia is very comman w/ patients utilizing a ventalator. Lab results will be back in 12-24hrs. In order for staff to allow Mark to wake up he must remain calm and his vitals stable due to the surgery on his aorta; if things escalate too rapidly damage could be caused to the aorta. They have been attempting to adjust levels on meds to find the exact combination which works best for him all things considered.
Stephanie is doing as well as can be expected. She is moved by the emails/messages she is receiving. She needs all comfort and encouragement you can offer now is one of Stephanie's assests she is very scared and far from home. Please continue communcating w/ her via all avenues as you have. She does receive all messages and responds as quickly as she can. They do not allow cell phones in Mark's room and this is where she spends the majority of her time.
On a side note; I will need to return to Alaska this week. I have an open ticket however Thursday seems to be the day I will depart. Stephanie does not need to be alone. I know some of you have offered to come up however if all of those who are in a position to stay could comminicate with one another regarding the person who can come up to support Mark & Stephanie, it would be much appreciated. I know Stephanie talked w/ Karen, Mark's sister and they are attempting to make arrangements however a back up plan might be a good idea; just in case Stephanie was thinking one of Mark's brothers or close friends would be very good for Mark as far as encouragement and strength. Stephanie would also benefit from female support and compassion. I understand how difficult it may be to drop everthing however this is really what is needed by Mark & Stephanie the most at this point.
In closing; Mark's progressing well. Two steps forward one step back...this is to be expected in his condition. He will pull through however we must be patient and continue trusting in the Lord and all things good in the world.
We will attempt to update the site daily or if things change. Please share this site w/ everyone.
cell phone: 907.244.0108; pls feel free to call if needed.

C.L.Lovett said...


Stephanie is so lucky to have you! What a blessing it is for her to have you there with her. I can't imagine being in her shoes. I have wondered if any of Mark's family would be coming out to be with him. Hopefully someone can come to give her support and to also give her a break now and again. I know she must be exhausted!

Please give her our love and tell her that we are here for her no matter what she needs. We will be getting Clayson again this weekend. Tell her that we are still open if she still thinks that she might want him to come and stay through the week as well.

Love to you all,

Christina, Justin, Steven & Eric

Nickie said...

Please feel free to call Amy Alcorn if anyone would like to see/talk or spend time with Clayson. Her contact information is: 573.472.2497 Home
573.380.1648 Cell

Nickie said...

Tuesday, October 16th; 4:15pm

Mark remained stable throughout the day. Based on the last update we have been waiting to hear about the possiblity of pnemonia. They have been an agressive treatment w/ antibotics. His oxygen levels have decreased from 45% to 35% therefore Dr. Jones ordered a CTscan and place "pick tail" one each side of the lungs to drain fluids. His kidney functions continue to improve. His range of motion is good in his extremities based on treatment given to Mark by the specialist. They have decided to let Mark rest and not attempt to wake him today. The staff is very attentive. Updates will follow.
The support from home is positively overwhelming and carries Stephanie through the day. Keep it comin! Love you all!
Nickie & Stephanie

Nickie said...

From Christi: Stephanie's Sister in Trinidad.

I am seeing if this works. It's chris. I hope Nickie made it give
her a HUGE hug for me. and tell her to give you one back on my
behalf. We are praying for Mark so hard here. Your on my mind when I wake,
and when I sleep , which is not much lately as well as you haven't
sleep much either probably. Your family picture is in the dining room
and we pray for you in our family meeting each morning and at every meal
all together, all 23 of us. That I have been cooking and cleaning for
since we have been here!!!! And I LOVE IT, for real. The goat came
today. I hid it from the kids. But it will be gone by dark. HAH!!
Anyway, My heart is truely longing to be in Canada or Missouri, I know
it will work out in the right timing. I can't wait to see you and
love on you, Mark and Clayson!!!! My prayers, thoughts and ALLLLLLLL MY
LOVE is with you. With love from the islands! Your sissy Sorry if I
wrote to much.

pboyer said...

steph and mark you are in our thoughts and prayers. philip &janice boyer

sarah g. said...

Stephanie and Mark!!
It was so wonderful talking with you today Stephanie!! Your strength is amazing and your faith will carry you through. Thought you would like to hear about Clayson's evening. He decided he wanted to go ahead and spend the night here with Will. I don't know if it was Will and Mitchell that was the attraction or if it was the new Lego set Will got for his birthday!! Regardless, he has had a great deal of fun and had the healthy dinner of chicken nuggets and french fries!! He is cuddled up with Will in his bed and I am sure he will sleep like a rock. Or he may end up cuddled up with me like he did last time he spent the night!!:)
Please know how much you all are loved and know that all is well here in Sikeston so you just stay focused on Mark's recovery.
You remain in my prayers,

Unknown said...

Bart and I were glad to be able to talk to Stephanie this morning and hear her feelings about Mark's progress. She has been so strong through all of this, and it has been a life-saver for her to have Nickie there with her. Since Nickie will be leaving, I was able to get a flight for tomorrow (wed) to go up to Regina. I will be there until next Wednesday. Mom and Dad are working out the details to be able to fly up to Regina in the next few days and be able to stay as long as needed.

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be for Mark's recovery and Stephanie and the kid's comfort and strength.
love, Karen

Stephanie said...

Bishop Smith arrived late this evening to give Mark a blessing to ensure a restful night sleep. at this time there are no major changes in Marks condition. The vascular surgeon, Dr. McCarvel stopped in to check the progress of the aoric endograft (T.E.V.A.R); reported no complications! Mark's kidneys are fully functioning. 2 liters of fluid were drained from the pick lines in his lungs. This decreases the oxygen levels which is good because it will allow him to breath on his own. The lab tests for pnemonia are not back as of today but they are aggressively treating the infection with a cocktail of antibiotics. Thats about all for now but will continue to provide daily updates.

Christina, Justin & Steven,
Clayson will be thrilled to see you all this weekend! I tell your dad daily how much you both love and miss him.

I am so blessed to have such good friends and family and I want you all to know I have been at peace knowing Clayson is in such good hands.

Although my heart is heavy that Nickie will soon be heading back to Alaska, she will never really know how much she has helped me through one of the most difficult trials I have ever had to endure. She has held me, cried with me, sympathized with me, rationalized with me, laughed with me. She has shown a true and never ceasing love to Me and Mark. I am looking forward to having Karen and Mark's parents here to provide comfort for me and Mark.

I love you all,

Mike Sanders said...

the Sanders are thinking and praying for all of you. If there is anything we can do let us know.

PS To help keep his blood pressure down, don't tell Mark of the spanking the TT red raiders gave the Aggies.

Stephanie G. said...

Good Morning Stephanie and Mark! Please know that you are in our families thoughts and prayers constantly. We anxiously await reports and are thankful for this site and the phone calls that make their way to us. Would love to call but know you are inundated and we do get updates so please know we are in constant contact with your progress. Stephanie, am totally available to do anything that you need. Amy had mentioned pulling together Clayson's halloween costume, give me marching orders and it is done. If you need help with any phone calls etc or running interference with absolutely anything, please let me know. I am also completely available to come up and stay with you. I have my passport pulled and kids covered. Just wanted you to know that think of you and Mark constantly and know God is watching over you and His grace and mercy is surrounding you and Mark. I pray for a good day for you all and will be anxious for the next update. All my love and prayers, Stephanie Gleason

Toby Geno said...

Stephanie, I just want to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. If there is anything that i can do for you and your family, please let me know.

Toby Geno
Newwave Communications
Dexter, MO

C.L.Lovett said...


I am so happy to hear that Karen is coming out and that Marjean and Warren won't be far behind.

That being said I wanted to run something by you...I know that Justin and Steven would like to see their dad but I wasn't sure how you would feel. My dad and I are willing to bring them but if you'd rather just my dad come that will work too. We just want to do what is good for you and to help in any way possible.

We have done some investigating and if we drive across the border they won't have to have passports. They have to have a photo ID to get in and a certified birth certificate to get back into the US. If you would like to discuss it, give me a call or you can email me. :)

I just want you to know that you guys are all in our every thought, prayer, and in our hearts. We love you all and pray that God's speed will be with Mark and that His unfailing arms be around you.

I love the words to the song How Firm a Foundation:

"When through the deep waters I call the to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow.
For I will be with the thy toubles to bless.
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.

When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My Grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design,
Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.

The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not I cannot, dessert to his foes;
That soul, through all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake.

Unknown said...

I have been keeping track of you and
mark with the blog and the emails. We are constantly keeping prayers in our
hearts and coming to our knees in your behalf. Our Father in Heaven is
mindful of your hearts desires and he
knows us each so personally. I know that the comforter will and is attending you in these times of trial and difficulty. Rick is out of town right now but I am constantly updating him about the progress and any good news. My tears and thoughts surround you and I am also comforted in your strength and Love for that dear man.
We want you to know that we love and care for you all deeply and we will continue to help the only way that we know how at this point and that is with our prayers. Such distance makes it so hard to do all that we would like to. I am glad that Karen is able to spend the time to help be a moral support as well as others. We love you both and if there is anything that we can do don't hesitate to let us know.
Rick Cindy and the family