Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mark felt your prayers!!!!

Mark has had a very eventful last couple hours, and it is all good!! They continued to back down his sedative around 9:45 a.m. and by 10:00 a.m. he was really moving around. They eventually got to the point that they had completely STOPPED the sedative and let me tell you, Marks arms and legs work just fine!!!! For almost two hours they allowed him to be without the sedative and he was not getting any oxygen, he was breathing perfectly on his own. When the doctor came in Mark responded to most of his commands. He moved his hands, legs and even toes when the doctor asked. There was discussion today about getting him off the ventilator since he was doing so well breathing on his own. The doctor feels like he needs another 24 hours and they will reevalute him at that time. When we asked about how the pneumonia was responding to the antibiotics he said he does not see any traces of it any more!! They will probably have him off the antibiotics in the next couple days!! ANSWERED PRAYERS!!!

He continues to really respond to Stephanie's voice and if she lets go of his hands to rub on his feet he will start turning his head back and forth as if trying to find where she went. The swelling in his hands, feet and face is MUCH better today. Since his kidney function is continuing to be good they increased the diuretics and the fluid is really being flushed out of his system. It is nice to see the Mark Anderson chin and dimple!!

Stephanie is a trooper!! We had the conversation around 10 that hundreds of people would be entering into church services and that Mark would be getting hundreds of prayers during the next two hours. We had no doubt as we watched Mark respond and continue to breath on his own that he wasn't feeling each and every one of those prayers. Please keep them coming as they lift Stephanie's spirits and Mark continues to improve.

We should have a couple hours of little activity as Mark rests from his big a.m. they gave him a light sedative so he should sleep for a while. We will update later in the day!!!

Sarah and Stephanie

P.S. You can email comments to Marks email address and Stephanie can post them for all to read.

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