Thursday, October 25, 2007

Doctor's came by but Mark was resting so well they did not want to distrub him. He does have a low grade fever making them think there may still be some infection in his lungs. Kelly is his nurse for the day and she wanted to try to incubate but the doctor needs more assurance that he is going to be able to respond and protect his airways. They are considering the option of putting a temporary trach in if he continues to struggle with the ventilator. They just took blood cultures from two different sites to try to determine what and where the infection may be. He was on a beta blocker and ace inhibitor to lowest his blood pressure but Kelly just stopped the ace inhibitor and he seems to be under control. The are going to decrease the (versate?) sedative and see how he responds in a few minutes. Hang tight and keep up the prayers.

Mark's parents should be here soon and I may come home for a few hours tonight. Andy and Tina Piepenbrock stopped by to visit with me for a few minutes. Andy said a prayer with Mark. For anyone who doesn't know please keep Andy's mother in your prayers she is battling breast cancer and they are on their way to Rodchester now. There are angels all around us. Thank you.

Stephanie and Mark

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