Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Slowly but surely

Since yesterday morning the ct of Mark's chest and internal organs all came back very good. The doctor said that as far as his internal injuries are concerned,we are now in the time healing and he is well on the way of recovery of these injuries. He remainded sedated as they had to do so to accomplish the testing. Mark continues to breath very well on his own even though he is still on the vent. Dr. Myer a critical care doctor came and explained that the goal now is to back off the sedative and try to get him to start responding to commands. He will have to be about to accomplish this to come off the vent. The doctor explained this will be a slow process and somewhat trial by error to find the right balance of medications to accomplish this.

The wound care specialist visited late yesterday and was able to upgrade him to a much bigger and better (Cadillac type) bed. (Sarah you would be so proud.) He looks much more comfortable.

Stephanie G. convinced me of the importance of going home to the Bedell's apartment for a good nights rest and I am feeling revived this morning.

The nurse said it was a tough night for Mark and the new sedative was not going to be the right medicine for him. They put him back on the sedative he has been on to attempt to calm and comfort him. We are anxiously awaiting this day to unfold and see how God's will will be done. Please pray that they find the right sedative that will work for him and that he will respond to commands to increase his chances of getting off the vent.

Stephanie 1 and Stephanie 2

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