Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Message from the mouth of Mark

Mark spoke with his Canadian friends Earl and Flo Chrsitensen today to thank them for all they have done for us. They informed us the heart surgeon that performed my surgery is ranked 3rd in the world. This was not just a run of the mill surgery.Dr. McCarval had only performed 2 aurotic endogrqafts previous to mine. Primarily because patients die before they make it to the hospital.

I am completely over come by the outpouring of love, concern and prayers in my behalf. It's hard to put into words how thankful I am to each of you, my friends and family for everything you have done for me and my family. Although I will never be able to thank all of you I know God will greatly bless each and every one of you.



Mark's Family said...

Christi and Anya made it home from Trinada. Clayson and Anya are running around having the time of their lives. Mark had a special webkinz for both of them and they are beginning to think this hospital thing is not to bad. Although I just heard Clayson whisper to his Dad, "Daddy when will we all be back home again." Mark replied, "it won't be long."


Mark's Family said...

I'm HOME!!!! Finally!!!!!

Stephanie and Clayson picked Anya and I up today from the airport and it was the happiest I have been in weeks. My heart has been longing to be here to support them and now I am!!

God has worked so many miracles!! I saw Mark for the first time today and he looks good. Well I want to write more but Mark probably needs to rest. The Kids have worn me out, he surely is worn out too.

Continue to Pray, Miracles are happening every day!!!!


Samantha J said...

Stephanie -- Thanks SO much for remembering that I want to help! I'll take care of it and THANKS AGAIN for letting me do something, you have NO idea what it means to me.

Patty called and told me of the events to come tomorrow. I love you guys and am praying for an even bigger miracle tomorrow. Keep up the great spirit. Give Mark our love!

Samantha & Darby

GmaB said...

I hope this works, so I can finally add a comment. This gets a little tricky for us old, technically challenged people.

We're so thrilled to hear of your great progress, Mark, and your strength and faithfulness, Stephanie. It's been wonderful to be able to get your good updates. You've both been in our prayers since Warren and Marjean first sent the word about your accident. What great answers to prayers. Thiele and Eddie send their love also.

Eddie had a double hernia operation Friday, and is still quite miserable, but they're hanging in there.

We love you all,
Aunt RaChel & Uncle Finch

Salwa said...

wow, a posting from Mark, that is so amazing, welcome back Mark! Welcome home Christi and Anya, so glad your back! That was no coincidence that you had such an excellent CANADIAN Doctor...just another miracle to add to the hundreds seen so far. Boy, those Canadians are cool. ha ha
love, Salwa

Stephanie G. said...

Mark and Stephanie,
WOW, how great to hear from you directly Mark! You've come a long way baby! We are so thankful for your amazing recovery and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about Clayson running around that hospital room with you. I hang on every word written and posted on this blog so keep the great news coming. Can't wait to see you again and if there is anything needing done down here, please just ask. We continue to pray for a full and speedy recovery. Lots of Love, the Gleason Family

blog_meg said...


I have been keeping up with your progress and I am so happy to see you improving! I am trying to get my company to buy as much as I can to help out! Hurry back! If you all need anything, please let me know!


Andrea Wegley
ARRIS Regional Sales

blog_meg said...

Stephanie & Mark,
That is wonderful news! Mark is proof, that love and prayer can produce miracles!!! Like so many others, we are thinking of you and here if we can do anything to help.

Julie & Steve