Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Going Home!!!

Somebody may need to pinch me. I feel like I must be dreaming. Dr. Sakabu has granted us permission to go home. They have been putting Mark through a torture chamber all morning.

Luckily we were save by Larry Stifflemen who brought us a fabulous lunch from Rick and Charlies Italian restaurant. That was a great distraction for all of us.

We were told we had to get an internist to agree to take Mark as a patient and Dr. Fred Uthoff agreed he would be up for the challenge. The care coordinator has made arrangements for option care to come to the house tonight and tend to the antibiotic he will need to take for the next 5-7 days. Stephanie Gleason has offered to lend us a wing back recliner. Which will give him an option other than the bed or couch.

After they insert a pick line for the antibiotic, Dr. Oliveri from neuro shares results from his evaluation and Dr. Westfall (a trauma surgeon who will be following Mark for the next year or so) stops by we will be headed to the parking lot.

Mark's parents are planning to spend one more night at the Bedell's apartment and pick up Jerry (Mark's brother) and his gun from the airport before returning to Sikeston.

Thank you all for your love and continued support.

Stephanie and Mark


Cary & Katrina Sanders said...

What great news!! How nice I'm sure it will be for all of you to be safe, at your own home, together again! Our prayers will be with you that everything will go smoothly!!
All of our love!
The Sanders

Unknown said...

Over the past days I've read a lot of good news, but THIS IS THE BEST NEWS YET!!!

Jed Anderson

~jAnA~ said...

Oh what great news!! I know this will make things so much easier for you. Beware of all the visitors you will have though! You might need to have hospital visiting hours posted on your door! Our continued prayers are with you, have a safe trip HOME!
Love & Prayers, Jana C.

Samantha J said...

WOW!! I always knew he was an overachiever!!! :) SO glad to maybe be able to see you...I'm with Jana, though - you may want to post visiting hours!!

Be careful! We love you!!

Samantha & Darby

Nickie said...

I agree with Jed!!

Nickie said...

I agree w/ Jed!!!

epartridge said...

Incredible! I should have known that once you woke up you would be hard to keep down. I have to admit that I have become addicted to your blog. It is better than any reality tv show going. But instead of the loser leaving, the one that overcame some the greatest challenges gets to come home! I hope you have a safe trip.


Mark's Family said...

Mark and Stephanie,
Julie and I have been checking the blog constantly and it is amazing to hear how well everything is progressing. It seems like every time we see an update, I find myself in amazement of your strength and progression. You and Stephanie's strength, love and endurance thru this
has led to a ton of admiration from us all. Hang in there and you'll
be back at it before you know it! Hang in there and let us know if
there is anything we can do.

Ryan Weatherspoon
The Boeing Company
SSG Analyst/Capital Budget Rep

Mark's Family said...

Mark and Stephanie!!

I am so excited that I just danced with Barry Kate around the room....what great news. I know you guys are thrilled beyond belief....

We are so happy for you guys. We will continue to pray for recovery and mostly for Mark's patience....I know it will be hard to "hold him back". Keep doing what the doctor's say and what your body tells you. We are so happy for you both---I bet Clayson won't be able to leave either of you alone for a minute!! and who could blame him!! Take care, Sadie, Rod and Barry Kate

P.S. If you can, please keep the blog updated now and then. Those of us far away have relied on it so much!! We don't want to bother you guys, but do want to keep up with your amazing progress

Rod & Sadie

Mark's Family said...

I'm glad to here you are home and things are progressing so well. I knew you could not be kept down very long. You, Stephanie and Clayson are in my prayers.

Mary K Harper
Harper's Travel Service
217 Tanner
Sikeston, MO 63801
573-471-2323 - Fax

Mark's Family said...

We were so happy to hear about Mark's news......what a wonderful way to start the Holiday season for Mark and Stephanie and all their families....HOME..........what a powerful beautiful word....God's speed to all of you ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary Allen and Family