Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Road Trip!

As far as we know we are finished with the IV antibiotic!!! You all have no idea how much easier that will make our lives. The option care nurse took a blood sample from his pick line this afternoon. The results from that will tell if the infection is gone. If he is infection free they will remove the line tomorrow.

I woke around 6:00am and Mark was gone. He had gotten up on his own sometime in the night and made his way to to couch in the family room. Bad news is he didn't get much rest, good news is he was able to make it from the bedroom to the family room with no assistance. He didn't even use his walker (commonly know around here as "Walker Texas Ranger").

Mark and I took Jerry to the airport in St. Louis. Yes that is right Mark demanded to be allowed to ride with us all the way to the STL airport. He survived the trip pretty well. In fact, I didn't think it would be appropriate for us to go into a restaurant for lunch. Since he had on his slippers. He began to get so hungry he told me to go through the McDonald's drive through. I thought oh no Mickey D's??? That might kill him. He preceded to order a Big-n-tasty and he ate the entire monster burger. A few miles down the road he spotted a Taco Bell and asked if we could make a run for the border. I couldn't stop laughing at his newly acquired appetite. Luckily when he saw two school buses full of kids already waiting for Taco Tuesday he said he wasn't that hungry. We then had to stop for a bathroom break and when he got to the men's room and found it occupied he headed straight to the ladies room. All the strange looks he was getting didn't even phase him.

We appreciate all your love and support. We are enjoying the miracle of having Mark back home and hoping and praying for a full recovery. Thank all of you for everything especially your prayers. i have taken some pictures of Mark and will try to down load them and post them asap.

Mark and Stephanie

1 comment:

Mark's Family said...

Hello Mark and Stephanie!!

Well sounds as though things are beginning to get back to normal around your house. I am really enjoying reading the blog and keeping up with the goings on around you. Sounds like you may have to get a long leash for Mark soon, Stephanie. Especially if he keeps escaping on you. God knows, it is tough enough when you have to pay to retrieve Boone - pretty soon it'll be Mark that needs to have a special place to be kept. HAHA!

Seriously though, sounds like you are starting to get back to a normal life again and that is good.

Wally and I are headed to the Caribbean next week. Now if you want to have something funny to think about - try to visualize Wally in Shorts on a Beach!!! I am laying bets that I won't get him off the ship, after of course, the tour of the Rum Factory in San Jaun. He is already making comments like - gee there only seems to be beach and water related things to do - HELLO - WE ARE HEADED TO THE CARIBBEAN!

Keep up the good work - and I want to hear more from you guys. Keep up the postings - I really enjoy keeping up with whatever is going on. Stephanie - try to keep a tighter leash on that man - I AM SURE THAT GOING BACK TO WORK JUST YET isn't part of the doctor's plans.

Love to you both

Brenda & Wally