Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Afternoon

Stephanie is still having internet connection issues so here's the latest via Meg:

Last night Mark didn't sleep too well so he's catching up on his rest today. The doctors continue to be amazed at Mark's progress. They initially installed a large trach because they thought he would have it for a while. Instead they downgraded Mark to the smaller trach today and he can already talk louder. Apparently it gave him more control over his vocal cords. Peter and I even got to talk to him for a minute and it was strange to hear his voice so small after years of filling the room with his booming voice.

Soon the docs will install a trapeze over Mark's bed so he can pull himself to a sitting position. It's going to take a lot of work to get all the muscles to do what they're supposed to do. Stephanie hopes to have Mark well enough by next week for a transfer to Cape or maybe even home.

Keep those prayers coming! Stephanie says she can see the effects!

Thank you!


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