Monday, November 12, 2007

Daily Anderson Update

A good Monday was had by all! Mark was doing quite a bit of shuffling from here to there, without the walker today. Clayson was so excited to see his Daddy and Uncle Jerry pick him up from school. I know Mark liked seeing something other than the bed, bath and family room. Unless we can convince him to stay Jerry (Mark's brother/physical therapist) is planning to leave us high and dry tomorrow morning. I think Mark will be fine but Clayson and Anya may suffer from withdrawal symptoms after he is gone. Mark continues to gain strength and energy. I just hooked him up for what we hope will be his last dose of IV antibiotic. Woo Hoo!!!

Now that is exciting. Mark is still enjoying quick short visits from friends and family. Just stay clear if you are even thinking about getting sick. Give me a call if you want to stop by and see the miracle man.

Love and God Bless all of you,
The Anderson's