Friday, November 9, 2007

First Friday Home

Mark's parents headed back to Texas early this morning. Jerry, Mark's brother is picking up where the soup Nazi' nurse from St. John's left off. He practically pushed Mark into the shower and made him wash his hair and shave all by himself. Jerry then preceded to convince Mark to walk all the way to the porch of "Man House" stop for a rest then truck back to the house. Mark said he felt like he had ran a marathon.

Christi, my sister secretly made me a hair cut appointment and when we got back the boys (Mark and Jerry) were GONE!!! That's right, I was gone less than 1 hour and they had made a trip to Confluent, Sonic and Phil Boyers pond. He had to give Phil one last chance to put his licks in on The Aggies, are something like that, it really makes no sense to me.

I am home now and Mark is resting. Dr. Fred Uthoff is going to stop by this evening and take a look to make sure our patient is progressing as he should. Mark seems to be getting stronger each day, but it is a long slow process. We are still asking friends and family to be patient about visiting. We really want to see everyone but visiting can be exhausting. So don't give up, get mad or forget about us. I am anticipating him wanting people here in full force over the course of the next week or so.

Stephanie and Mark

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