Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Mark somehow managed after spending almost a month in ICU to wake up and go home a few days later. He surpassed every possible prediction! He is truly a walking, talking miracle!

My friend Salwa laughingly commented, "Mark was so determined to get out of there, who can blame him. No wonder they kept sedating him, he was ready to walk right out of there a month ago". Nearly everyone who has laid eyes on Mark over the course of the last few weeks has noticed the power of God in this. We are all so blessed to be witnessing the miracles God is pouring out on Mark.

So we are home and we are both exhausted. Option care arrived only minutes after we got home. With pumps, syringes, hoses, etc... I told Mark he really should have married a nurse. He said, "you can do it". Although around 3:30am when the pump started beeping and finally failed he may have retracted that comment. This nurse thing is not really in my blood, but we will muddle through and keep reminding ourselves home much better this in than the hospital.

Thank you to everyone involved in making our trip back home possible. I would not recommend any visitors until late morning or early afternoon, since Mark is banking on his first real shower in a month. We are so excited!

Minute by minute he is getting better but the doctors have warned us to keep the excitement to a minimum as not to take a set back. Thank you all for everything. We are so blessed.

Love, Stephanie

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